2a Dumas Street Mount Barker South Australia 5251
(08) 8391 1241

The school day commences at 8:50 am and is signaled by the bell ringing.  The first bell reminds students to make their way to class and the second bell signals that students should be in class ready for the teacher to complete the roll book.  If you arrive at school after 8:50 am please call into the front Admin Office to sign your child in and get a late slip.

Recess play is 10:50 am until 11:10 am and lunch play is 12:50 pm until 1:30 pm.

The school day finishes at 3:10 pm when the bell will ring and the students are dismissed.

We have teachers on duty from 8:30 am until 3:30 pm every day.  Students can be on site whilst the teachers are on duty as they assume duty of care for the students.  If students arrive before 8:30 am or are still on site after 3:30 pm contact will be made with families. OSHC may be used to supervise the students and the cost will be charged to families.