2a Dumas Street Mount Barker South Australia 5251
(08) 8391 1241

In term 1 all parents are invited to attend a parent/teacher conference.  This is an opportunity for teachers to provide feedback on how students have settle for the year and goals that have been set. It also provides parents with an opportunity to share things that have been going well for their child and to share any areas that require further support. At the end of term 1 any students who require a personalised curriculum will be invited to take part in the One Plan process.  This meeting is in addition to the parent/teacher conference and involves the setting of SMART goals which will be monitored and reviewed throughout the year.

In term 2 all students receive a mid-year school report based on the learning outcomes written in the Australian Curriculum.  Students in year 1-7 are assessed against A-E grades.  Reception students and students who are assessed against One Plan goals have a different assessment system.

In term 3 parents are encouraged to make contact with class teachers should they require any additional information about their child's learning.

In term 4 all students receive an end of year school report which is in a similar format to the term 2 mid-year school report.