2a Dumas Street Mount Barker South Australia 5251
(08) 8391 1241

If you need to visit the school during the day please, come to the front office in the first instance. We can sign you in and provide assistance in locating your child.

There may be times in your child's schooling when issues arise. We encourage you to call in to the office and make an appointment to see your child's class teacher so we can ensure that the appropriate support is put in place in a timely manner.

We can only release students to adults that are identified on the enrolment form as having authorisation from the enrolling parents to collect them.  If you wish to add someone to the list of contacts, please attend the Admin Office and they can assist you with this. Teachers will not release students unless the adult can provide confirmation from the Admin Office prior to visiting the classroom.

Please understand that parents phoning ahead to have their child(ren) wait in the office before the parent has arrived, is not able to be accommodated. Students will only be called from class once their parent/guardian is present. Students are also not able to be released from school without a duty of care handover.