2a Dumas Street Mount Barker South Australia 5251
(08) 8391 1241

Our Governing Council works with our Principal to help set and monitor the direction of our School.

It meets twice a term at 7pm in the School Staff Room, usually in weeks 4 and 8.

Governing Council comprises 10 elected members from the school community, plus our Principal, the Deputy Principal and a staff representative.

Elections take place at the start of Term 1 every year and information about the voting process is communicated via the school newsletter. The new Governing Council is formally created at the Annual General Meeting when the Principal shares the Annual School Report with the community.

From the 10 School Community Members, there are 3 key positions they can nominate for:-

  1. Governing Chair Person
  2. Secretary
  3. Treasurer

Attending the meetings is an important part of being on the Governing Council, but it involves more than that. In your role on the council, you are required to:

  • be a positive advocate for the school
  • share good news stories
  • represent the Governing Council at important school events
  • nominate a Governing Council representative to be part of an interview panel to select the site Principal’s position
  • monitor the implementation of the site improvement plan
  • approve the annual school budget
  • be an employing authority of out of school hours care (OSHC)

The meetings are 'open' meetings and we encourage members from our school community to attend.  If you wish to attend please advise the school office in advance.

Currently our parent representative of Governing Council comprises of:

Chairperson - Kate Telfer
Click here for our Welcome from Kate

Deputy Chair - Tae Smith

Secretary - Cristy Seymour

Finance Committee member - Robyn Grundy

OSHC Committee member - Tae Smith

Inclusion Centre representative - Nigel Langes

General members:

Joanne Cloete

Raj Kanathigoda

William Leske

Jessica Anderson

Keisha Bevelander


Governing Council meetings are an open forum and we welcome families to come along, join in the conversations and work together to strengthen all aspects of school life. If you would like to come along please contact the school office who can give you further information about future meeting dates.

On Wednesday 21st February we met as the 2023 Governing Council and held our AGM. Thank you to those who made time to attend this important meeting. It is a great opportunity to reflect back on the last 12 months and then pivot to focus on what comes next for our school.

I am pleased to continue in the role of Chairperson and introduce our Governing Council for 2024.

I look forward to providing a further update after our meeting in week 8.

Warm regards

Kate Telfer

For a full schedule of upcoming meetings, visit our DIARY DATES calendar and choose "Governing Council" from the selector drop down.