2a Dumas Street Mount Barker South Australia 5251
(08) 8391 1241

Student Support & Communication

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Seesaw - Our Communication Pathway!

Other than newsletters, phone and emails, our preferred Communication Pathway is through Seesaw.
Families connect to their child’s Seesaw journal to participate in their student’s learning, see student work, and celebrate progress. 

What can students and family members do in Seesaw?

Students add posts to their journals. Student posts showcase the creative projects they've been working on in the classroom. This could include photos, artwork, videos...

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Communicating with schools as a parent to help children learn

Children and young people learn every day and everywhere, at home, at school and in the community.

Download the parent guide to communicating with school – helping children and young people learn.

The difference you can make
When parents and schools work together children and young people are more likely to do better at school.

You can help your child to be a confident and enthusiastic learner. You can encourage them to believe they...

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Parents are encouraged to become involved in the school and their child's education in any of the following ways:
A classroom helper
A school volunteer
On Governing Council or any of its sub committees

If you wish to become a volunteer, please contact our admin team who will inform you of the processes for this important aspect of our school community.  Inductions for volunteers are carried out on a termly basis and will require volunteers to have a...

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Non-Government Service Providers

We encourage a holistic approach to supporting student development.  If you wish to engage with a therapist/tutor during the school day, please contact the Admin Office in the first instance.

For a service provider to be able to be on site there are a number of prerequisites that need to occur, one being a full site induction which can be completed online.

Due to the limited space we have on site and regulations which state that service providers need to be in the line...

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