2a Dumas Street Mount Barker South Australia 5251
(08) 8391 1241

Children and young people learn every day and everywhere, at home, at school and in the community.

Download the parent guide to communicating with school – helping children and young people learn.

The difference you can make
When parents and schools work together children and young people are more likely to do better at school.

You can help your child to be a confident and enthusiastic learner. You can encourage them to believe they will do well at school. You can let them know that trying hard and doing their best is what matters.

Get to know your child’s teachers
Teachers work hard to make sure you are kept up to date with what your child is learning.

They can offer ways for you to connect with them so you can get to know each other and create a shared vision for your child’s learning success.

There are many ways for you to get to know and stay connected to your child’s teachers.  Here are some ideas for primary school.

  • Find out the names of your child’s teacher, the principal and other key staff.
  • Meet with your child’s teacher and get to know them. Help the teacher learn about your family.
  • Talk about your goals and aspirations for your child.
  • Tell the teacher what helps your child learn. Share what they’re good at, and the things they love to do and learn.
  • Ask about the best way to get in contact if you have questions, and let them how you prefer to be contacted
  • Stay in contact. You could meet in person, chat by email and phone, or use an app.
  • Find out if the school gives families a curriculum or learning plan for your child’s class.

Be part of your school community
Being part of your child’s school community is one way to show your child you value their education.

There are many other ways to contribute. Attending a couple of events at the school each year can mean a lot. It shows your child that your value their education and successes. Consider bringing along grandparents, aunties, uncles and other important family and friends to share in these events.


Ask your school or a teacher how you can volunteer.

Contributing to the school doesn’t always require being able to be at the school during the day.  Some ideas are:

  • help with school clubs
  • coach sport
  • join a working bee
  • reading help
  • art activities
  • help keep the classroom organised
  • tell stories about your culture.
  • Go to school meetings and events
  • Attend concerts, plays, assemblies, meetings, and other activities. You can become familiar with your child’s school community and find out what is happening.

Join a governing council
Being part of the school’s governing council can be a valuable experience. You will meet other parents and help to shape the future plans for the school.

Join in social activities
Social activities with other parents and families can be a good way to be part of the school community, such as our Sports Day, Assembly Days or participating in the Mount Barker Show or Christmas Pageant.