Our School Learning Focus

Students at Mount Barker Primary School discover their strengths and develop their special talents in our caring and supportive learning community. 

From the earliest years, our students are encouraged to question, think creatively and work collaboratively to problem solve.  Mount Barker Primary School’s Early Years Outdoor Learning Area provides a stimulating environment for curious young minds.  Children have opportunities to explore their natural surroundings, connect with nature, and engage in creative and collaborative play-based learning.

With our whole school focus on Visible Learning, Mount Barker students can articulate the purpose and relevance of their learning experiences.  They understand the importance of good feedback.  They set personal goals and develop the capabilities to construct criteria for their learning success.  Students can explain how the dispositions of creativity, collaboration, risk-taking, persistence, self-regulation and questioning provide strong foundations for this success.

Teachers at Mount Barker Primary School recognize the importance of dialogue in the classroom and the understanding that develops from effective questioning.  Visit our classrooms and you will see children engaged in deep discussions and debates.

At Mount Barker Primary School, students enjoy a dedicated Performing Arts program where they learn the skills of drama, dance and music.  Our annual theatrical production, which provides an opportunity for our young performers to showcase their skills, has received high acclaim from the local community.  This exciting event also presents opportunities to learn about creative set design and theatre technology.

Through our effective Physical Education program, Mount Barker Primary School enjoys a strong representation in District Sports and our students are recognized as confident and capable athletes and team players.

Our school is pleased to offer Auslan as our language program for all students, including those with complex needs, as it supports our school philosophy of inclusivity.

We are very proud of the diverse educational opportunities we have to offer our student community.


Mount Barker Primary School